Monday, February 12, 2007

Make Dead Beat Eat His Words

Dead Beat notices that his blog site has been longlisted for the Irish Blog Awards in the Best Art and Culture Section.

Well as you know Dead Beat is highly cultured - just ask Hudson... on second thoughts....

Wouldn't it put Dead Beat in his place if he were to win...

Go ahead make him eat his words

Voting Form

you have until Friday 18th Feb.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ideas For Writing

Dear Dead Beat,

I keep a notebook hand at all times for jotting down my ideas. Very often these come to me while lying in bed at night. I have to get up and turn on the light to write them down. My husband is not so pleased about this, but I am afraid of losing my ideas if I leave them until the morning.


Dear Anonymous,

Which would you rather: lose your ideas or lose your husband? Okay, okay, it was a rhetorical question.

You know, Dead Beat believes that you go to bed to rest and sleep. That is a necessary part of the writing life too. Jumping in and out of bed writing down ideas harms this part of the writing process. Ideas, quite frankly, are a dime a dozen. Once you get used to creating them you will have more than you can ever write about.

Good husbands don't come so easily.
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